Sunday 28 August 2016

Activity during the period from August 12th to August 15th.

Looks like I'm not the only blogger to chime in...

The timing of the NEB hearings and this spill helps get the attention on the event.

While the hearings are held: 
As you gaze at the picture of the "talking heads" put yourself in their shoes.  They have a job to do, as they are representatives of the stakeholders within their constituencies.  If you were there, what would you be thinking?  "No to pipelines".....think about that one.  "Yes, to pipelines.....with conditions".  (remember the Northern Gateway initial approval, with 209 conditions?)

This is the picture on site:

While we all realize that the challenge of epic proportions, is the challenge of moving

from the same old story, or same old "stock picture" showing the problem (and as I see it, the problems are evident in both of these pictures)

to the solutions.

While the oil bleeds ("Rome burns") we are at the table talking about how "we can do it better next time" 

"We" can do much better if we take the opportunities to get SOLUTIONS to the table....rather than seeking the same old methods.  After all, if there were no "we's" at the table when Google was being formed, there would likely not be any blogs like this one.  Get my drift....of course you do.  It's an INNOVATION story.  (that I do plan to emphasize throughout)

Robix is a small company that seeks to form alliances that can effect the changes so badly needed in the industry called, "oil spill response and recovery" (emphasis on recovery) and soon to be effecting the clean water industry.

While this activity is representative of the bigger picture, the center of activity in both the First Nations territory affected by the spill and the other parts of the river, during this week of August 8th to 15th, there were many meetings that took place either by teleconference or in person.  Husky has been busy, the Saskatchewan government has been busy, and the Feds have been busy.  All I can say about how busy Stephen Neal (XBoom) and I were, is for you to know that I have only now been able to catch up on this blog.

Over n out until next blog.


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